Gallery Trip

The artworks that made a great impact on me were Frida Kahlo's Self-Portrait with Monkey, an oil on masonite painting made in 1938, and Rene Magritte's The Voice of Space, an oil on canvas painting from 1928; shown respectively. These works both interest me and immediately draw my attention. I wonder what Kahlo was feeling in her stern face, and I wonder what Magritte was imagining while planning this painting out. Both leave me with questions unanswered.

I felt the most connected to the work Tam Gan, by Robert Henri, made in 1914 of oil on canvas. I also felt connected to Giacomo Balla's Dynamism of a Dog on a Leash, 1912, oil on canvas. I found Tam Gan accidentally while walking through the hallways at the Albright, and found myself compelled to the warm yellows and soft blues in the portrait. The whole piece in inviting and calming; it almost seems soothing to look at. The second piece is a painting I've known and remembered since childhood. I always enjoyed the dancing feel of the dog and the ticks and lines throughout the painting. It almost looks like the oil was drawn on, not painted; which might aid my appeal to it.

I found two works that interest me, both in the medium and also in terms of context and meaning. These are Julian Stanczak's Hot Reds, 1984 acrylic on canvas; and Robert Swain's Untitled #901, 1975 acrylic on canvas. Both artists used acrylics to create very solid color blocking paintings, not oils.They also both show no specific forms or objects, but both create shape, have value, and create movement. I enjoy these two pieces greatly and would like to know why each artist made their work.


  1. I liked the art pieces you chose to put in your blog. I liked the Frida Kahlo painting in particular. A few of these were the ones that I took pictures of as well.

  2. Personally, I do like Robert Swains work as it reminds me of paint chips, and made me think that it was painted for no reason other than aesthetics. Perhaps he had a deeper message meant in the work, but I feel it was just a vision he had and thought it looked cool, as I do.

  3. I really liked seeing the "Hot Reds" just being able to incompass all the colors in a stagerant and elaborate way is so amazing to see.

  4. I loved that you chose Frida Kahlo's portrait. I feel a deep connection to her

  5. I am always struck by Magritte's "The Voice of Space" when I visit the Albright because it feels so ahead of its time. It does seem space-like to me with very contemporary sci-fi forms.


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