Mod 15 Art Gallery and Self Portraits

1. I chose these three pieces because they seemed like two very different types of self-portraits. There is the quiltmaking in which every piece needs to be planed based on color, size, shape; then there’s the oil painting that seemed so casual. I wanted to make something that was casual yet focused on details.

2. I chose graphite pencil because it is the material I have the practice with. I feel like I can control my pencil better than I can paint, or charcoal.

3. At first I had made my contrast too low, I wasn't drawing dark enough and in return I washed out my marks. So I went into the deepest shadows and made them very dark, then darkened the midtones to match and blend into the highlights.

4. It only represents me physically. In no way does it show me or my personality, or who I am. I didn’t want it to be more than a study of myself in the mirror. Like the examples, they have little personality showing, some goofiness in the third, but for the most part they are about technique.

5. I used emphasis on the shadows, and line in both the contours of my face, and the line shading. I have a hard time knowing whether my line quality or value rendering is better with my drawings; but I start by focusing on line, perspective and proportion; then focusing on the darkness of my lines and my shading.

6. I enjoyed it, although at this point I can draw myself without looking, because of how many self portraits I have had to do over the years. Honestly I probably should’ve made it abstract and representative of me as a person, but I wanted to use skills.

7. I believe my piece is clearly recognizable, although it shows my form only, no content.

Here are my inspiration photos from Burchfield Penny Art Center

Jack Edson
Self Portrait (young), cotton patchwork quilt, 2018

Jack Edson
Self Portrait (old), cotton patchwork quilt, 2018

Barbara Hart
Self-Portrait Taking Selfie in Sacra Conversazione (Holy Conversation), oil on canvas, 2019


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