Mod 12 Video Reviews
1. I chose “Andy Warhol: Images of an Image” because I enjoy Warhol’s work and his story. He is the beginner of pop art, and made the silkscreen something greater than it ever was. I chose “The Art of Henry Moore” because he was an artist I didn’t remember learning about and I wanted to know what his work was like. Both artists use a greater meaning to why they chose the art style that they have. 2. “Andy Warhol: Images of an Image” is a discussion on Warhol’s famous tendencies. Warhol made reproductions of advertisements from newspaper with a projector and acrylics. H eventually used silk screen printing. He could create a single screen for many works, which lead him to be able to mass produce them. His lack of midtones and color variation allows his work to convey little to no original emotional meaning, but re develop what the image means. Warhol used his work to demonstrate his opinion on societal and political problems at the time. His work was about materialism and society’...